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The Art of Living Lusciously - Embracing Self-Expression and Channeling Iris Apfel's Bold Spirit

Celebrating a succulent wise woman! Iris Apfel is an inspiration of how to embrace our individuality and how to express ourselves. This is exactly why we believe she is a succulent wild woman and embodies a MiQuann woman!

We at MiQuann! are calling for a movement to living lusciously and forever living, a concept that embraces holistic wellness and self-expression which comes from true embodiment and acceptance of self and living consciously. 

And we want to start the conversation about how we as woman can embrace this into all decades without needing to feel invisible or like we have reached our sell-by date as we enter our forties, fifties and beyond!

At MiQuann! we exist to inspire women to live lusciously and to embrace being a succulent wild woman. In the words of Sark, this is a woman of any age who feels free to fully express herself in every dimension of her life. We believe this is essential for a meaningful, luscious and purposeful life and for our holistic wellbeing. And so today, we celebrate Iris Apfel on her 102nd birthday - she is truly a Masterclass in Bold Self-Expression!

Iris Apfel, a woman whose eccentric style and fearless attitude has captured the attention of the world. With her iconic oversized glasses, layers of bold accessories, and a wardrobe that defies trends, Apfel showcases the power of self-expression beyond the limitations of age and societal expectations.

Apfel's life story is a testament to the fact that self-expression is not confined by time or circumstance. She boldly occupies spaces that others might shy away from, sending a clear message that there is no expiration date on embracing who you are. Her life resonates with a proclamation: Be who you are, without apologies.

Defying Conformity: The Call of the Succulent Wild Woman

We believe that the succulent wild woman defies the gravity of conformity, transcending the limitations society attempts to impose. She understands that true wellness is not confined to physical health alone, but extends to the realm of mental and emotional wellbeing.

Apfel epitomizes the beauty of growing older without surrendering to societal norms. Her vibrant persona has challenged ageism and conventional beauty standards, blazing a trail for generations to come. We at MiQuann! believe that this is a refreshing change from how women have been typecast and pressurised into trying to be perfect. To us, being our best authentic selves is what is meaningful, liberating and luscious.

Let us celebrate the wrinkles earned through a life well-lived, the scars that speak of battles won, and the unique fashion statements that declare our presence to the world. As we unleash the succulent wild within, we not only honour ourselves but also join a lineage of bold women who refused to be confined.

The Intersection of Self-Expression and Empowerment

Embracing self-expression is not just about flaunting personal style—it's a declaration of empowerment, confidence and true lusciousness. It's SEXY! 

A succulent woman flourishes through her adaptability to change. By embracing self-expression, she harnesses the power to navigate life's challenges with grace and strength, just as Iris Apfel has done throughout her remarkable journey.

Channeling Iris Apfel's bold spirit isn't about replicating her style; it's about capturing the essence of her fearlessness and infusing it into your own journey. It's about looking at your reflection in the mirror and seeing the canvas of possibilities rather than limitations.

So, dare to be bold. Dare to stand out. Dare to be you. Dare to live lusciously. Dare to make lifestyle choices that are about forever living to enhance your quality of lifespan to enjoy doing the things you love for as long as you grace this planet.

Express. Unleash. Bloom.

Lusciously yours.
